Pool Limited Queue Processing in Python Feb 2, 2020 I was recently confronted with a problem: I needed to build a large number (order of 100) of Docker containers and then push them to the registry. Docker SDK for Python provided an excellent handle on that, and together with multiprocessing library allowed to parallelize the task very effectively. However, after some initial testing I discovered that pushing multiple images to registry got stalled likely due to an overload of simultaneous uploads. ...
On Pytorch Tensors and Autograd Jan 26, 2020 On Pytorch Tensors and Autograd Somehow, Pytorch blitz tutorial on Autograd completely confused me. I could not understand what does .backward(), .grad and grad_fn do. Fortunately, I found an excellent explanation of Autograd and Computational Graph is here: https://blog.paperspace.com/pytorch-101-understanding-graphs-and-automatic-differentiation/. Just for my notes and anyone interested, I am going to leave my short recap here: Computational Graph - records the order of operations on tensors in the graph. Edges of the graph represent the local gradients. ...
US Radio Spectrum Interactive Visualization with Python and BokehJS Aug 7, 2019

So, I recently came across the Bokeh visualization library which uses Python to generated plots, but they are rendered in JS (like the most of the great interactive visualization tools recently). I also noticed my fellow Twitter user took on the challenge to learn Bokeh over the next 30 days and post their results, so I decided to try as well.

I was hearing a lot about 5G coming to US soon and got curious about what frequencies will be used, and which are available. I did not know much about it so I searched and found this PDF infographics on FCCs website: https://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/2003-allochrt.pdf. There were couple of problems with it: it was too small and non-interactive, so I decided to make a better one myself.

The preliminary result is here:

Use Python and R interchangeably May 30, 2019 Use Python and R interchangeably R in Python: rpy2 Python in R: reticulate Python and R in the same Jupyter Notebook: SoS
DVC for Nvidia SPADE project May 19, 2019 During our Machine Learning study group session we spend significant amount of time (almost all of it!) trying to install correct environment, find and download datasets and try to run them on variety of machines our members have (Windows, Linux, Mac).